Khamis, 31 Mei 2012

Practice on demand...:D

Yesterday was hasif's monthly check up at Pusat Kesihatan Mengkibol, Kluang...
His weight was gain to 7.2 kg already! yeay...anak mama dah membesar dengan sihat...Alhamdulillah...:D

This becoming saturday, hasif's papa have plan something...ermmm...picnic actually to Gunung Ledang with papa's friends....yeay! So, mama kene practice untuk bawa hasif ALONE sementara sampai ke Tol Ayer Hitam (to pick up Hasif's papa..He from JB (our actual home)...huhu...) There the picture...Hasif in the car seat...Bagus2...dia dok diam je...Hasif don't be naughty ye baby....Love U!

Hasif in his car seat..Safety first! HAhaha...

Ok...Thats all...Hasif ...practice on demand...After work, mesti hasif dah tunggu depan umah untuk  practice dok dalam ni diam2...Good job baby!

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